

2714 W. 44th Ave. in the Sunnyside Neighborhood of NW Denver

1280 Sherman St, Upstairs above City O’ City in the Capitol Hill Neighborhood

1705 S. Pearl at. W. Mexico in the Washington Park Neighborhood


7:30pm - 8:30pm, Buzz Slow Flow|  Better Buzz


noon - 1:00, All Levels Flow | Karma Yoga

6:45pm - 8:00pm, Restorative with Body Work | Courageous Space
You can register on the Courageous Space site but you pay me directly at the Venmo below. Market Rate is $26, and the scale slides from $10 for BIPOC to $42 for Advocates. Your offering is always perfect!


 9:15 - 10:15am, All Levels Flow |  Karma Yoga

 10:30 - 11:15am, Mantra & Meditation |  Karma Yoga

12:00 noon - 1:00pm, Buzz Slow Flow|  Better Buzz


 5:30 - 6:45pm, Restorative |  Karma Yoga


Beth’s mindfulness-based yoga is inspired by the Plum Village practices of Engaged Buddhism, founded by Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hahn.   The asana portion of the class is conducted slowly, mindfully, and infused with dharmic guidance such as stopping and looking deeply into the nature of the bodymind, appreciating the synergy of the sangha, sinking deeply into the present moment, observing the flow of phenomena, touching the reality of Interbeing, abiding in the senses, and similar awareness practices. 

Asana is conducted with great respect for the yogic tradition, awareness of Ayurveda, and with solid anatomical and alignment support.  Classes may include formal sitting meditation, a reading, a song, or other teaching from the Plum Village Mindfulness trainings or pranayama, bandha, kriya and other teachings from classical yogic texts, Buddhist perspectives, and land-based Indigenous knowledge.  The primary aim of mindfulness-based yoga is to access the reality of abiding fully right here and right now, not waiting for an abstract future day to touch life deeply.

Mindfulness-based practice provides the physiological benefits of exercise, the mind training at the core of all the internal arts, and helps practitioners come home together.

About Gurupriya Beth Sanchez

Gurupriya Beth Sanchez loves wading in the energy of group wisdom, song, movement and remembrance of deep reality. She also loves returning to the world of form; loving, preserving and building what is beautiful with humans and more-than-human beings.

Gurupriya Beth’s classes are inspired by her core teachers, Engaged Buddhism Founder, Venerable Thich Nhat Hahn, and Ayurveda Master, Alakananda Ma. She is also invigorated by the Non-Dual Advaita teachings, Indigenous wisdom, Post-colonial ways, and Embodied Justice practices of Kaira Jewell, Larry Ward, and many other teachers.  Her primary yoga influences include Richard Freeman and Tias Little.

Beth loves to sing, cook, farm, dance, learn, meditate, and weave new worlds with other like-hearted beings.

Gurupriya Beth has been teaching yoga since 2000, and her style has been described as mindful hatha/vinyasa with anatomical depth, nourishing adjustments, contemplative support and invitations to sing.   She invites all people seeking sangha, grounded engagement in their yoga practice, and sacredness in their relationship to life.