Dharma, the Guiding Force
Saturday, March 1, 2025
8:30am – 5pm
Sixth Ave UCC – 3250 E. Sixth Ave.
Beth Gurupriya Sanchez and Derik Purna Eselius invite you to gather in the spirit of retreat, right here in our beloved city. Together we will empower one another to break through the often heavy energy and patterns of daily urban life and remember how to listen to the Dharma that is always being spoken.
Connect. Practice. Give and receive support.
One Day Urban Yoga Retreat Experience:
Dedicated yoga practice, pranayama, song, meditation, dharma
Wholehearted time together indoors and out (weather permitting)
Support for ongoing personal practice
Grounded seasoned teachers dedicated to sacred community in place
A bhakti-infused lunch with teachings on right relationship to food
Circle of fellow yogis, sharing hearts and breaths
Nourishment from the land that is our home
A deep reminder that a break from the norm is available in the here and now
Event Details:
Where: 6th Avenue United Church of Christ. 3250 E. 6th Avenue, Denver, CO 80206, Upstairs. We will also practice walking meditation outdoors for part of the day, depending on the weather.
Cost: Pay What You Can! PWYC is an equitable format that allows everyone to participate according to their means while honoring the commitment, and dedication of the teachers.
Option #1: Fair Market Value Upfront: Some people would rather just have it all settled before the retreat gets started.
One day retreat market value: $120
Option #2: PWYC: Submit a deposit to secure your place, at the end of your retreat contribute any additional amount based on the value you received and your means. If you can’t swing the deposit, reach out; no one turned away for financial reasons.
One day retreat deposit: $65